The ASG Spice Box '23 was fun to research, taste test and build. We came up with a few concoctions to make for some fun experimentation with your favorite Gourmands.
For those that purchased the box (thank you) - here are some notes. We are keeping it free form for a reason - it is an experiment, after all.
Holding on the measurements for now, while we are dialing it in, but if you would like them off-line, please just send us an e-mail at jack@allstreetsgourmand.com.
If you have ideas, please likewise reach out and let us know.
THAI-C - Thai Chili Seasoning - ingredients in order of magnitude
Sea Salt, Brown Sugar, Coarse White Sugar, Thai Chili Ground, Hibiscus Powder, Dash of Gochiguru
We found that this goes great on freshly cut (and chilled) fruit like mangoes, apple or pear slices. We also liked it on popcorn. We did not try it on any savory dishes, but we believe this would go great as a dusting on fried chicken - perhaps with a bit of white pepper.
4-CHIL - Four Chili Slow Burn - ingredients in order of magnitude
Chili Coarse Korean, Chili Coarse Cutted Chinese, Chili Gochiguru, Chili Coarse Peppers, Lime Flakes, Dash of Monosodium Glutamate
Like Thai-C - we found this a great kick up on savory food or freshly cut fruit. The variations of chili, in their different forms of cutting excited us - we think there's more fun to be had in that. The use of MSG was very purposeful, we have thoughts on MSG and we think the umami helps define the peppers a bit differently than without it. The lime flakes were found in a local Armenian bodega we go to often, and we appreciate that they use this spice often in their cooking.
COMBO-A - Combination A - ingredients in order of magnitude
BBQ Powder, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Caster Sugar, Vinegar Powder, Ketchup Powder, Dried Parsley
As described in the initial Spice Box blog post - this combination is a lift from Community Snack's own 'mix up' blend - they found the right amount of bbq, garlic, onion, vinegar powders to make something that goes great with potato chips, popcorn, or nuts. That said, we'd love to hear if you've figured out any other variations.
KUYA LIMON - Kuya's Limon Experiment - ingredients in order of magnitude
Sea Salt, Fresh Cracked Black Pepper, Lemon Powder, Lemongrass Powder, Dried Lime, Caster Sugar, Parsley, Vinegar Powder, Gochihguru
This was met for those that love the tart citrus of lemons and vinegar - we liked it in limited quantity on fried chicken, adding it to the flour when coating. That was fairly limited, but perhaps you have found other innovative ways with this one....
